
Woodward 13E and 17E Actuators

 Woodward TG-13E and TG-17E Actuators SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNOR DRIVE Shaft 1/2" dia. Number 5 Woodruff key (1/8")  Speed Range The pump is sized to operate over the following ranges:  1100 to 2400 rpm  2400 to 4000 rpm  4000 to 6000 rpm    Different actuator part numbers are required for different ranges. Drive Power Requirement 1/3 to 1/2 hp (249 to 373 W) required to turn drive shaft at rated speed Rotation Clockwise or counterclockwise, as viewed from top of actuator; rotation can be changed by removing four screws and rotating pump housing 180°  Work Output MAXIMUM WORK CAPACITY OVER FULL GOVERNOR TRAVEL OF 42° IS * FT-LBS. SEE FIGURE 1 FOR RECOMMENDED GOVERNOR OUTPUT TRAVEL. IN SPECIAL APPLICATIONS MIN AND MAX PRIME MOVER STOPS MAY BE OUTSIDE THE GOVERNOR STOPS. * TG-13E 12.2 ft-lbs (16.5 Nxm) * TG-17E 17.5 ft-lbs (23.7 Nxm)    Output Shaft 0.625-36 serration on both sides of case Calibration 1° to 3° off minimum shaft positi...